Services we offer in our cozy centre…

What we do here…

Osteopathy Treatments

Osteopathy is a form of hands on therapy with a primary focus of restoring the bodies function and eliminating pain by addressing the root cause of the injury or illness. An osteopath will work to find and release any restrictions or barriers that are getting in the way of your body’s own healing process - leading to a reduction in pain and an improvement in functioning or movement. They do this by using a variety of hands-on manual techniques that promote self-healing.

Osteopathic treatments involve gentle and non-invasive techniques that require minimal to no effort from you—you just get the benefits.

Workshops & Group Events

Every week at ‘the good stuff.’ we have an event or offering to hang out with like minded folks, maybe learn something, maybe reflect on something, and maybe just take some time for yourself!

Check out the ‘workshops’ page for upcoming options.

Psychotherapy & Mental Health Counselling

Mental health is all about using evidence based tools to get your brain working the way you want, with a trusted therapist as your guide. Starting from the initial intake, mental health practitioners at ‘the good stuff.’ work with you to define your goals, set a treatment plan, and support you in real change in your life.

Whether it’s racing thoughts, overwhelming sadness or low mood, constant worry, or just a sense that ‘it has to be better than this’, we can support you. For more information about specific types of therapy, interventions or approaches, check out our team member’s profiles to learn more.

Registered Massage Therapy

Whether you simply need a tool to reduce stress and increase wellbeing, or you have physical injuries that you need experienced practitioners to help you reduce pain and speed up recovery, massage is absolutely an important part of ongoing health and wellness.

We work with clients on treatment plans to support ongoing goals such as pain reduction, as well as acute needs such as injury rehab.

Check out each practitioners info to learn more about the tools and interventions available, or feel free to book yourself in for a massage with any of our practitioners.

Things to remember when you visit:



Please park in the side lot, just off of Arnaud St - while it is tempting to park directly in front of the doors, unfortunately those are reserved for our Royal LePage neighbours.


While we do have a receptionist some days, if you find the door is locked when you arrive please be patient with us, your practitioner will come unlock it as soon as possible for you!

Lounge & Lil' Shop

You'll find a cozy lounge to wait in when you arrive, as well as a few wellness products for sale if you need to treat yourself. Though the shop is only open certain days, we can always put items aside for you to hold, just ask your practitioner.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.