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Menstrual Cycle Workshop ($20)

Trust me, I get it, it’s easy to see menstrual cycle, hormone changes and the joys of bleeding once a month as an annoyance to navigate… but… what if it’s actually an awesome spiritual/mental health practice for anyone with a menstrual cycle??

Come together in a small group to learn more about the menstrual cycle from an emotional/mental health perspective.

(And yes we will reference uteruses and hormones but no this is not a meeting with an OB-GYN - but we’ll talk more about how to work with women’s health if you have some issues!)

During our gathering we will:

  • Look at the archetypal 4 phases of menstrual cycles - and start to uncover how that might be showing up in our unique bodies

  • Discuss the 4 overarching phases of menarche, menstruation, peri-menopause and menopause and map out where we are and how that might be impacting us

  • Understand more about what menstrual cycle tracking is, why it’s not just for pregnancy related reasons and how to do it in a way that works for you (side note, I hate journalling too!)

  • Explore with a guided visualization how your cycle may be a grounding force for you

  • Share tips and tricks with other menstruating folks

All you need to join is yourself and a journal or diary you’ll be using to track your next cycle!

$20 to join, email to reserve your spot!

August 13

College Preparation Night!

September 5

New Moon Gathering ($20)